About GVM

परमेश्‍वरए मीं क्वेलेसे - Let us all lift up the Name of God

Gurung Village Mission was started by Nepal Christian Gurung Fellowship in 2006 and is now associated with Nepal Christian Grace Gurung Church in Pokhara.

GVM's aim is to bring the Gospel to Gurung speaking people in villages using their own language. Jesus told us to do this in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you."
This is achieved by showing films (first in March 2013) in the villages, singing Gurung language choruses (translated and composed), providing written material and simply talking to people.

Doors are opened far more easily using one's own language and this also helps people to realise that God speaks their own language and is not just a foreign god.

A community benefit of this work is to promote and preserve the Gurung language particularly in written form.

We hope that this work can be shared with, and inspire different communities as well, and that people from all backgrounds can be brought together into God's one Church.