This page contains a list of older materials which are likely to be out of print and not in electronic format.
Where possible, images of the pages are available and will open in a seperate tab.
In addition, 'snapshots' of projects are also stored here.
- Bible
- Gurung Madi Nadi Church Bible [GMNCB] - Psalms Draft 1 [2016]
- Tracts
- ङ्हींल् आत्हु - Nghil Atxu Don't fear
- दुःख सैदिल् खाँम् उ? - Dukha Seidil Kham U? Can You Endure Suffering? [1977]
- पाप बिबा तो जा? - Pap Biba To Ja? What is Sin? [1977]
- पापीजौलाई माया लबा - Papijaulai Maya Laba God's Love for Sinners [1977]
- प्रभुजी क्हीलाई हेर विचार लैम्यु - Prabhuji Kxilai Hera Bichar Laimyu The Lord Cares for You [1977]
- नई वा नानी - Nai Wa Nani? Sister, are you sick? [1977]
- येशूए जन्म - Yesue Janma The Birth of Jesus [1977]
- येशूए सिसी फेरि सोबा - Yesu Sisi Pheri Soba Jesus' Death and Resurrection [1977]
- सिसी तो तम्? - Sisi To Tam? What Happens After You Die? [1977]